Hanging Tips

General Preparation 

1. Remove all old backing paper; ensure the hanging surface is clean, smooth, dry in depth, of a uniform colour and in a sound condition.

2. The surface should be free from contaminants such as dirt, dust, grease, ink stains etc - any of these can prevent adhesion taking place. Wash with a detergent solution, rinse and allow to dry.

3. Plaster and masonry surfaces should not exceed 5.5 per cent moisture as measured by an accurate moisture meter.

4. Any mould should be treated with a good quality fungicidal wash in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

5. Fill holes and cracks with a good quality filler in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

6. Ensure that you are installing under adequate lighting conditions for proper inspection prior, during and after installation.

7. Site temperature should not be below 12°C (55°F). Avoid excessive heat until adhesive is fully dried.


- Plasterboard: File all nail heads, screws, etc. Coat with light coloured oil-based metal primer. All holes should be filled and smoothed. Prime surface with LoveWalls Primer and allow to dry before hanging with the recommended LoveWalls adhesive.

- Porous surface (plaster, wood, etc): Ensure old plaster is stable and free of mould. Ensure new plaster dry in depth. Use an accurate moisture meter.  Seal with LoveWalls Primer. Cement render or similarly alkaline powdery surfaces should be primed with a good quality Alkali Resisting Primer and then treat as a non-porous surface.

- Non-porous surface (Formica, glass, gloss paint, etc): Rub down surface thoroughly to provide a key. Wash and dry thoroughly. Use LoveWalls Sealed Surface Adhesive.

- Emulsion paint: Rub down surface thoroughly to provide a good key. Wash and dry thoroughly. Apply one coat of LoveWalls Primer.

- Existing vinyl: Ensure substrate is completely sealed (i.e. no blown joints, shrinkages etc.) Remove all grease, dirt, dust etc – a brush will help with textured embosses. Rinse and allow to dry. Hang wallcoverings using LoveWalls Sealed Surface Adhesive.


1. Paste the wall. Do not allow the adhesive to get onto the face of any wallcovering. Complete removal may be impossible.

2. Arrange product in roll or box sequence, starting with the highest number. Cut and hang in sequence, numbering the top of each length with a soft lead pencil to ensure the wallcovering is reversed or not as appropriate.

3. Use a plumb line and a metal straight edge.

4. Use full widths only. Do not in-fill over doors and windows with off-cuts or out of sequence drops.

5. At the top and bottom of each drop allow the material to settle for 15 minutes before trimming.

6. Hang 3 lengths, leave for an hour then critically inspect. Stop if you think the result may not be acceptable to the client.

Freephone LoveWalls on 020 8211 3107 if in any doubt about the wallcovering's appearance. Love Walls cannot accept any claims for more than 3 lengths once the material has been cut.

7. Continue to check each drop for shading as you proceed. Never assume shading is caused by moisture and that it will disappear on drying, it may be a fault that needs investigation.